Tuesday, January 31, 2012

jr. History

the test on Chapter 14 is scheduled to be on February 1st.  Since so many of the students will be going to the basketball tournament on the same day we will have the test on Thursday, Feb 2nd.  Let's hope the basketball boys and girls do well, GO PIKE!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

DC trip checklist

9th graders,
Here is a list of some items you made need to carry or would like to consider to bring with you to DC.
First of all, there is only 1 suitcase allowed per person ( if you have a rolling bag it will help you  since we all have to carry our own bag)
WHAT TO WEAR (the average temperature for February is a hi of 48 and a lo of 32)
1.  Jeans are ok except for the day that we go to the capitol.  On that day, plan to wear khaki's or dress pants.  Its just to cold for dresses and skirts.
2.  Think layers.  Long johns, warm socks, hats, scarves, gloves, etc...We will be outside a lot during the day and night but it may also be a lot warmer inside, so layers would be good.  Remember, winter in DC is not winter in Troy!
3.  We will be walking a lot so wear comfortable shoes.  Most people wear boots with rubber soles.  The sidewalks may be icy or wet with snow and shoes without rubber soles may be slick.
4.  Warm coats.  Just a North Face type jacket may not be enough.

1.  On the bus, you can bring:
      a.  A backpack or small bag for your phones, ipods, cameras, etc... Remember to put your name on all 
           your electronics so they do not get lost while you pass them around with your friends.
      b.  A blanket and/or pillow if you'd like.  We'll be riding for a long time and you'll most likely take a nap.
           you can also dress comfortably for the bus ride, but don't look like a bum (no pj's there is still a dress
      c.  Drinks and snacks.  We will try to have a large cooler under the bus for everyone to put a couple of
          drinks(put your name on them) that you can get to when we stop.  Please do not bring cans, some
          thing with a top so they do not spill on the bus.  Snacks are ok as long as they do not crumble like
          chips (you do not want to sit in crumbs all week)
2.  Money.  You will be allowed $10 for lunch (prepaid) and a little more at dinner.  Prices in DC are a little higher than here.  Older students have said you may want to take a little more just in case to eat on.  Also we will be able to buy souvenirs so don't forget to bring money for that if you want something.  Approx $150 is what others from the past have said would be a fair amount, more or less is up to you.
3. Medicine.  If you take medicine, bring it in a baggie with your name on it.  You also may want to include items for headaches, cough, bandaids, etc...

We do need to have everyone's insurance information and parents contact number just in case.

The hotel is the Hampton Inn Largo in Largo, MD.  You can see pictures of the hotel online. 

We will need to be at the school Feb 19 (Sunday) at 5:00 am and will be leaving at 5:30 sharp so don't be late!!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

DC Trip meeting

On Thursday (1/12/12)  at 5:30 we will meet at the school in the old library to go over details for the DC trip in February.  The final payment will be due on the 10th but you can also pay your balance at the meeting, this is mainly for the adults and according how you choose to room with others.  Parents that will be going with us are asked to please be in attendance, MrSikes will be at the meeting to go over school guidelines for the trip.  It is not necessary for the students to be at the meeting but very important for the parents that will be going.  Thanks and see you then,  B Murphree