Wednesday, September 19, 2012

week of Sept 19th

Seniors- next week will be seeing the movie "2016" on Wednesday.  The cost will be $6.00/person and the concession stand will be open.  Please bring your money to me ASAP.  The test on Chapter 2 will be next week.

Juniors- test tomorrow on Ch 7.  We played a review game with the test questions and they should be ready to go! Study hard.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

jr magazine update

Just wanted to let everyone know what an AWESOME job the Jr.'s did with the magazine sales.  They beat their goal of $20,000 and sold magazines worth $20,224!!!  Of which our share is 40% which equals $8089.60 plus an extra $1447 in donations to the class.  Our total is now $9,536.60 of which we will have $7036.60 to spend all this Jr. year on Homecoming, Class Day and of course Prom.  I am so, soo, SOOO proud of the hard work that went in to this years sales drive, you all (including parents) did an amazing job!

This week in Jr. history, we are working on ch 7, its a long chapter and should have the test in a week or so, I'll let you know.

Seniors their test on chptr 16 is on Thursday.  it is short and should be easy.