Monday, September 30, 2013

week of 9.30

Jr History  This week we will finish Chapter 8 and have a test on Friday.
Sr Economics  This week we will finish Chapter 7 and have a test on Thursday or Friday.  We will also finish the Stock market project for a grade

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

September 24th

Juniors-  this week we are starting the chapter on the revolution. This should take 2 weeks to complete before we have a test.  The homecoming reception was a success, thanks for all of the food- it was delicious

Seniors-  this week we starting the chapter on savings and investing.  We are currently watching stocks and mutual funds (chosen by groups) to see whose will earn the most money.  This chapter test should be next week.

End of the 9 weeks is Oct 11, if you have been absent from school and need to make up work, it should be made up by October 2nd or it becomes a zero!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Junior parents; Homecoming reception is Friday in the library immediately following the assembly at 9:00.  Please make sure that your child has brought their assigned food to school during homeroom so that we can have everything prepared and ready before the assembly.  I will bring trays for everything and if you would like to help with preparing the tables, we would appreciate it!   Thanks, Beth Murphree